
Fumigation and purification stick-Palo Santo-Sweet grass- sage


  • Details
    Fumigation and purification stick-Palo Santo-Sweet grass

    Handmade fumigation stick, harvested and dried herbs from the garden.

    Sage: Sage has various spiritual properties. It has the power to dispel bad thoughts and negative psychic energies and to ward off evil spirits. And, in all its uses, whatever the form, it is a particularly effective tool for purification.

    Palo Santo: Palo Santo significantly helps reduce anxiety, stress and helps with clarity of mind. It also promotes concentration and meditation

    Sweet grass: Burned as a special offering during sacred prayers. Burned for personal and household blessings. Burned or smeared for purification purposes. Incorporated into sweat lodge ceremonies. Worn as a protective totem. Kept in the house to attract positive energies.

    Several sticks available:
    Abundance and prosperity: Sage Off-Cham-Can
    Sage chamomile cinnamon

    Purification-Calm-Clarification: Sage B Euc Lav. White sage eucalyptus and lavender

    Pure and calm purification: Sage Off lavender.
    Officinal sage and lavender

    Purification: White sage small-Medium-Large

    Chakra purification and realignment: sage B chakra. White sage and chakra-colored flowers

    Purification manifestation: White Sage B. White sage with white flowers

    Gaité Purification: Sage B yellow. White sage and yellow flowers

    Truth Purification: Blue Sage B. White sage and blue flowers.

    Purification Sexuality and Passion: Sage B red. White sage and red flowers.

    The Hippie Sisters